
Mastering Emotional Intelligence

Brinda Appasamy

Brinda Appasamy




2 Days

In the hustle and bustle of modern times, success isn't just about what you know, but also about how well you navigate the complex landscape of emotions – both yours and those around you. Welcome to a life—changing adventure where you'll master the art of Emotional Intelligence (EI), the secret ingredient to unlocking your full potential in every aspect of your life

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Course Description

This 2-day training course on emotional intelligence is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, manage, and harness emotions effectively. Through a combination of theoretical insights, interactive exercises, and real-world examples, participants will enhance their emotional intelligence competencies. The course will focus on developing self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. No prior knowledge of emotional intelligence is required, making it suitable for individuals at all levels and across various industries.

Detailed Course Structure

Day 1

◦ Module 1: Understanding Emotional Intelligence

▪ Introduction to emotional intelligence

▪ Components of EI

▪ Identifying personal emotional biases using self-assessment tools

◦ Module 2: Mastering Self-Management

▪ Effective methods for regulating and channeling emotions positively

▪ Explore real-world case studies to understand emotional influences

◦ Module 3: EQ in Leadership

▪ The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership

▪ Balancing assertiveness and empathy

◦ Assessment: Self-reflection journal

Day 2

◦ Module 4: Empathy, Communication, and Decision-Making

▪ Importance of empathy in communication and decision-making

▪ Decision-Making through Emotional Intelligence

◦ Module 5: Delegation and EI in the Workplace

▪ Utilizing emotional intelligence in delegation

▪ Receive tailored feedback on your emotional intelligence strengths and areas for growth

◦ Module 6: Practical Application through Role-Playing

▪ Develop practical skills through role-playing scenarios

▪ Applying emotional intelligence techniques for confident and growth-oriented outcomes


By investing in this course, you've not only gained invaluable insights into your own emotions and behaviours but also equipped yourself with the tools to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and finesse. Imagine the possibilities that await you as you harness the power of Emotional Intelligence to forge deeper connections, make more informed decisions, and lead with authenticity and empathy. But the benefits don't end there. By enhancing your own emotional intelligence, you're not just transforming yourself – you're also making a positive impact on your organizations, your communities, and the world at large. As you continue to apply what you've learned, watch as the ripple effects of your newfound skills create waves of positive change around you. Seize the opportunity to unlock your full potential and embark on a journey of endless possibilities.