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Management and Leadership

Management and Leadership Programme


Business strategy to achieve desired outcomes

Learn how to craft the right strategy to reach your business objectives and develop sustainable advantage in the market.


Developing leadership for organisation success

Acquire the capabilities and excellence to develop your effective leadership role and approach to achieve success in your mission and for the organisation.


Self leadership

Learn how to lead self to attain your objectives, to lead others and to lead change and organisations. Align your intentions and actions, and develop influence and motivation to rise to success.

Creativity and innovation

Leverage your creativity and innovative capabilities to attain long-term success, stay ahead in a changing marketplace and competition.

Conflict Management

Learn the proven approaches for conflict management and how conflicts can present opportunities for improvement. Turn conflict into collaboration.

People Management

Acquire the competencies for great people management, from selection, to development and motivation. Learn the critical levers of leadership, empowerment, engagement and culture.

Effective Time Management

Learn how to use time as a strategic resource, and the skills to manage priorities and to organise, in order to improve performance and productivity, and to become a more efficient person and organisation.

Emotional Intelligence to Manage Stress

Acquire the emotional intelligence (EI) capabilities that enable you manage stress, such as self-awareness, self-management, empathy and social skill.

Once you become aware of rising stress, you can calm down before your reaction builds to an unmanageable level. Empathy and social skill enable you to express yourself more effectively.

Negotiation Skills and Techniques

Learn proven approaches and strategies, and acquire the communication skills you need to overcome challenges and become successful with the practice of negotiation.

Communicate effectively with assertiveness and strong influence

Develop positive relationships and rapport with colleagues and management as well as customers and suppliers. Influence situations with more favourable outcomes with communication that both informs and persuades.

The Unbending Truth about Customer Service

Develop the excellence and capabilities to sustain customer relationships and loyalty. Learn how crafting customer service can take consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.

Focus on the interactions that are important to customers and the skills to handle them with best impact. Customer Service is a journey.

Productivity through high-performance teams

Learn the group dynamics that characterise high-performance teams and strengthen them in your organisation.

Build the environment, culture, motivation and leadership to develop these teams and leverage them reach objectives of production.